I've started to work on a new head for anything that pops up needing a heroic character. I think I will stop work on this guy and start up a new character that will be in the vein of Gears of War and Doom 3. I hope to post updates on that soon.
After some careful consideration, it was decided that the previous Nick was too young and not "tough" looking so I combined several likenesses to get that rugged, tough guy feel. Clint Eastwood and Clive Owen are among some of those likenesses that I combined. I added facial hair planes and eye lashes to liven him up.
After many Iterations, this was the final design we decided upon. The Design was the brain child of several artists none of which were concept artists. Thus, he may look a little mish mashed but he was about to be redesigned before the cancellation of the project. The hair was a collaborative effort by Adam Schuman and myself.
I've always been a huge fan of the Romero Zombie flicks and of Todd Mcfarlanes Spawn. Those action figures and the images burned into my brain are what inspired these.
Shortly after Turok Evolution had wrapped up production, the team needed to roll off onto another project. Some of us broke off onto other teams but there was a small group that stay'd on the "Turok" team. I was concepting and modeling a few of the new characters. This project never got off the ground so the rest of us moved on to other projects soon after.
These characters were made into playable teams. There was an Area 51 team comprised of Aliens and a team of Old World Leaders. Kahn was the character I got to make.
I am a video game character artist located in Austin Texas. I am currently seeking work and have roughly 15 years experience developing and designing real time and cinematic characters for home console gaming.